东南大学“哲人席”第一期:What is a Person
发布时间:2013-05-31         浏览次数:929

What is a Person

主讲人:禤庆文 东南大学哲学与科学系讲师

评论人:程国斌 东南大学哲学与科学系讲师

张学义 东南大学哲学与科学系讲师

主持人:高广旭 东南大学哲学与科学系讲师




Xuan Qingwen, Ph.D.

Southeast University

Nanking, China

What makes a person a person, this is an old philosophical problem. In the history the dominant picture is that body and soul are separated entities. This picture was discussed in Plato’s dialogues, and lately was articulated, and most widely known as the Cartesian dualism. Recent decades there rise a monistic understanding of personhood. In this talk I will introduce the view of the material soul propounded by Kevin Corcoran, Peter van Inwagen and Dean Zimmerman. And will point out that their program will leads to a monism picture in that soul is a Leibniz monad, which Corcoran calls the simples (or a set of simples). However, this view is in fact a version of dualism. I will defend a Platonic view of the soul, and suggest this is still the most reasonable understanding of personhood.


Kevin Corcoran, Rethinking Human Nature, Baker Academics, 2006

Joel Green, Stuart Palmer, ed., In Search of the Soul, InterVasity Press, 2005

Peter van Inwagen, Deam Zimmerman, ed., Persons: Human and Divine, Oxford, 2007

“Personal Identity”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (plato.stanford.edu).



高广旭, ggx2010@163.com

黄婷, puppyhting@163.com

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