HONG Yanbi


DR. HONGYanbi (Ph.D.)

Dr. Hong is currently Associate Professor and the Department Chair of Department of Sociology, School of Humanities, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.

Dr Hong’s current research interests lie in social stratification and mobility, health inequality and educational attainment.

E-mail: hongyb@seu.edu.cn


The University of Hong Kong, 09/2008- 11/2013

Ph.D., Faculty of Education

Peking University, 09/2005- 07/2008

Master in Sociology, Department of Sociology

Renmin University of China, 09/2001-07/2005

Bachelor, Department of Sociology


Hong, Yanbi, 2017, “Redistribution and the Change of Class Differences of Subjective Well-being.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 社会(2). [in Chinese]

Hong, Yanbi and Chen Yunsong. 2017. “Group Differences of Education Effects on Health: Resources Substitution and Disadvantage Reinforcement, 2005-2012.” Journal of Social Development (1). [in Chiense]

Hong, Yanbi. 2016. “Morality and Trust: Class Differences of Moral Perceptions.” Journal of Southeast University (Philosophy and Social Science) 18(3): 27-32. [in Chinese]

Hong, Yanbi. 2015. “On the Coefficients Comparison between Logistic Regressions and the Solutions: A Brief Review.” Chinese Journal of Sociology社会 (4):220-241. [in Chinese]

Hong, Yanbi. 2015. “Individualization Orientation and Its Class Differentiation,” Journal of Southeast University (Philosophy and Social Science) 17(1): 35-41. [in Chinese]

Hong, Yanbi and Zhao Yandong. 2014 In press. “From Capitals to Habitus: The Class Differentiation of Family Education Pattern in Urban China” Sociological Studies (4):73-93. [in Chinese] English version published: 2015, “From Capital to Habitus: Class Differentiation of Family Educational Patterns in Urban China.” The Journal of Chinese Sociology 2: 18. doi:10.1186/s40711-015-0021-y

Zhao, Yandong and Yanbi Hong. 2013. “Network Resources, Social Closure, and Macro Environment: A Review of Social Capital in Educational Attainment” Sociological Review of China 1(4): 42-51. [in Chinese]

Zhao, Yandong and Yanbi Hong. 2012. “Social Capital in Educational Attainment: The Perspectives of Network Resource and Social Closure,” Sociological Studies (5): 47-68. [in Chinese]

Hong, Yanbi. 2010. Home Language and Educational Attainment in Western China. Chinese Education and Society. 43 (1): 24-35.

Hong, Yanbi and Minhui Qian, 2010. Educational and Social Stratification in China: Ethnicity, Class, and Gender. Guest Editors' Introduction Chinese Education and Society 43 (5): 3-9.

Hong, Yanbi. 2010. Ethnic Groups and Educational Inequalities: An Empirical Study of the Educational Attainment of the Ethnic Minorities in Western China. Chinese Journal of Sociology 30 (2): 45-73. [in Chinese]

Hong, Yanbi, and Minhui Qian. 2008. Social Stratification and Educational Equality in China: A Critical Review Journal of China Agricultural University (Social Science)(4): 64-76. [in Chinese]


Liu, Dian and Yanbi Hong. 2015. “The Career Prospects of University Graduates from Urban Families: A Cultural Perspective.” pp. 66-79 in Chinese Higher Education Reform and Social Justice, edited by Bin Wu and W. John Morgan, London: Routledge.

Hong, Yanbi. 2016. “Gender Inequality and Ethnicity: Educational Stratification in Western China, 1949-2004,” pp. 77-96 in Educational development in Western China: Towards quality and equity, edited by John Chi-Kin Lee, Zeyuan Yu, Xianhan Huang and Edmond Hau-fai Law, Rotterdam: Sense Publisher.


Hong, Yanbi.2012. Market, Religion, and State: Religious Education and Secular Education in A Muslim Village of Northwest China. Annual Conference of Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, March 2-3, 2012.

Hong, Yanbi. 2012. Education for What? Religious and Secular Education in a Muslim Village of Northwest China. Annual Conference of Comparative Education Studies of Hong Kong, Feb 25, 2012.

Hong, Yanbi. 2012. Consequences of Ethnic Preferential Policy in China: Education in a Muslim Village as a Case. 香港中文大学第八届国际研究生“当代中国”研讨班,04-07/01/2012

Hong, Yanbi. 2011. Rural Education and Muslim Girls' Marriages: After Well-Being in A Village of Northwest China. Annual Meeting of Hong Kong Sociological Association, 03/12/2011.

Hong, Yanbi. Gender Inequality and Ethnicity: Educational Stratification in Western China, 1949-2004. ISA (International Sociological Association) RC28 spring meeting on Social Change and Social Inequality in Beijing, 14-16 May, 2009.


Translated Nonrecursive Causal Models (by William Barry. 1984. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage) into Chinese, with Dr. Chen Chen, published by Shanghai People Press, 2011.

Translated Data Analysis: An Introduction (by Michael S. Lewis-Beck. 1995. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage) into Chinese, published by Shanghai People Press, 2014.


Excellent Paper Rewards of 4th Sociological Publication of Lu Xueyi Sociological Development Foundation, 2015 July.

First Prize of Excellent Paper in the 2011 Annual Meeting of Chinese Sociological Association.

Travel Award of ISA (International Sociological Association) RC28 spring meeting on Social Change and Social Inequality in Beijing, 14-16 May, 2009.


Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility, Chinese Sociological Association

Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28), International Sociological Association