Jan Turowski


Professional Experience

·since 2011

Special appointed adviser (research projects/ policy communication) at

“Denkwerk Demokratie” (“thinkwork democracy”), Think tank financed

by the Social Democratic Party, Green Party, trade unions associations).

·since 2010

Managing Director “New Patrons. European Platform for an Art

of the Civil Society”,

sponsored by the Fondation de France, Federal Agency for Civic Education

of Germany and CIVILSCAPE Civil Society Network for the European

Landscape Convention



Co-Development of a Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation teaching program- till now involved as scientific consultant for the program


Senior scientific staff member for the the party executive commitee, Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), Cultural Forum of Social Democracy (the cultural policy and politics department) and social democratic parliamentary group in the German Bundestag (Culture and media committee)

 Academic Background


Special Invited Professorat School of Marxism, Jiangsu University


Associate Professor for Public Policy at School of Humanities and Social Science, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

·since 11/2011

Head of research-project “The significance of political discourse in and for societal change as well as its theoretical and empirical approaches of analysis, funded by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation (the research foundation of the german trade union association).


Ph.D. Political Science, University Dortmund (Summa cum Laude, highest degree)

Ph.D.-thesis title: “Social democratic Reform Discourses. The Legitimation of Welfare Reforms through public Discourse in Germany, Great Britain, and Sweden“


DFG-funded research fellowship at the University Dortmund, Germany. Research project: „Theory of Social Democracy“, lead by Prof. Dr. Thomas Meyer.


„Visiting Research Scholar“ at the New School University, Liberal Studies Department, New York, USA.


Diploma in Political Science, Free University Berlin, Germany (highest degree)

Diploma-thesis title: “Art and Politics. The political Approach of the Art-exhibition ‘documenta x’”



studies Political Science, Free University Berlin, Germany

studies Philosophy, Free University Berlin, Germany




Culture Policy and Culture Politics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China


Comparative Studies on Social and Political-Economic Policies, University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China


Course: “Political Discourse and Political Ideas”, University of Dortmund, Germany


Course: “Theory of Social Democracy“, University of Dortmund, Germany


Course: “Party Democracy“, University of Dortmund, Germany


Course: “Theory of the welfare state“, University of Dortmund, Germany

Course: “Introduction to Political Economy”, University of Dortmund, Germany


Course: “Theories of Democracy”, University of Dortmund, Germany


Course: “Jürgen Habermas. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere and Popular Culture“, New School University, New York, USA


Tutorial: “Reading ‘Capital’ by Karl Marx”, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Lectures, Panel Discussions

·7/ 2013

“Blocked Discourses-Blocked Change? How the Economic Crisis is Discussed and What Follows Politically?”, Conference Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation/Denkwerk Cemokratie, Berlin, Germany

·6/ 2012

Lecture: “Public art politics. Civil Society and Discourse”, Arts Council Korea, Seoul, Korea

·5/ 2012

Lecture: “Re-politization of Cultural policy. Changes, Challenges and Chances of the Culture Policy in the 21th Century”, University of Jiangsu, Zhenjian, China


Lecture: “Marxism and Modernity. Western Marxism’s 1960s approach to Modernity”, Conference “Culture and Politics” Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft (Society of Cultural Policy)/ European Commission, Mannheim, Germany


Academic Communication with School of Politics and Public Management of Suzhou University.


Academic Communication with School of Marxism of Jiangsu University.

·10/ 2010

Lecture: “Action-oriented Theory and Questions about the political and economic System“, HDS-Conference, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Birkenwerder, Germany

·10/ 2010

Lecture: “New Patrons: novel models of artistic production” Conference“Change the World! The utopian Potential of Cultural Projects and its realistic Dimensions”, Federal Cultural Foundation, Neustrelitz, Germany

·5/ 2010

Panel Discussion “Who needs art? An attempt for a cultural political vision”, Gallery for contemporary art, Leipzig, Germany

·4/ 2010

Lecture: “Cultural Forum and Cultural Discourse “, Willy-Brandt-Haus, Berlin, Germany (completely documented in: „Kulturnotizen, No.13“)

·12/ 2009

Panel Discussion: “Cultural Politics for Berlin - An Institutional Critique“, Talks & Situations, APS artnews projects, Berlin, Germany

·11/ 2009

Panel Discussion: „Revisiting Cultural Marxism“, Marxism-Conference, Seattle; USA

·11/ 2009

Lecture: “Theory and Political Practice of Social Democracy“, Young Leaders Think Tank, FES, New Delhi, India

·7/ 2009

Panel Discussion: “Emerge stronger than before the financial Crisis? –Renaissance of Politics“, Summer University of Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Potsdam-Hermannswerder, Germany

·3/ 2008

Lecture: “The new basic value program of the SPD between tradition and modern – as a cultural Discourse“, HDS-Conference, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Birkenwerder, Germany

·2/ 2008

Lecture “Theory of Social Democracy“, Academy for Social Democracy, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Bad Fallingbostel, Germany

·11/ 2006

Panel Discussion: “Education and Society/ Solidarity”, Annual Conference of the Forum Scholars for European Social Democracy, Berlin, Germany

·9/ 2006

Lecture „The transcending boundaries of art“, Conference ‚Culture and Politics’, Forum East of Social Democracy, Berlin, Germany

·8/ 2006

Panel Discussion „Art and its Institutions“, Folkwang Museum Essen, Kunstverein Brandenburg (member based art societies with exhibitions spaces), Potsdam, Germany

·9/ 2005


Panel discussion „Who politicizes needs a politicized culture“, Kunstraum 88, Zurich, Switzerland

·6/ 2005

Lecture „Beyond the Third Way: Political Economy of Social Democracy“, HDS-Conference, Georg-von-Vollmar-Akademie, Kochel am See, Germany

·6/ 2004

Panel Discussion „Who owns pop culture? Or: Politics of proper Sneakers. The Political Implications of Popular Culture“, Cultural Forum of Social Democracy, Berlin, Germany

·5/ 2004

Panel Discussion “Reform Discourse”, Conference “European Public Sphere”, Advisory Group, European Commission, WZB, Berlin, Germany

·12/ 2003

Lecture: “Normative Aspects of Social Democracy”, Workshop, DFG-Research Project “Social Democratic Responses to Integrated Markets. A Comparison of Western European Third Ways”, Ruprechts-Karl-University of Heidelberg, Policy Network (UK), Titisee-Neustadt (Black Forest), Germany

·6/ 2003

Lecture “Young Cultural Milieu: New Networks, New Work Methods, and New Forms of Communication“, Conference ‚Cultural Policy’, Saarbrücken, Germany

·11/ 2000

Lecture “Between Cultural Politics and Cultural Policy: Ideas for a New Cultural Approach“ workshop: „perspectiv 2000“ Konsthögskolan Malmö, Sweden.

·7/ 1999

Lecture: “’Kunstvereine’ and the Bourgeois Public Sphere“ Halle für Kunst e.V., Lüneburg, Germany

·7/ 1999

Lecture: “The private Use of Art and the Transformation Public Sphere“: Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany.

·4/ 1997

Panel Discussion „Is there new left art criticism“, ‚Kunstblätter’/ University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

·6/ 1996

Lecture „Politization of the Cultural, Culturalization of the political“, Conference „Artgenda“, Cultural Capital of Europe, Copenhagen,Denmark.



Kulturpolitik als Systemkritik (Cultural policy as system critique), VS-Publishing House


With Benjamin Mikfeld, “Blockierter Wandel? – Uberlegungen fur Eine Strategieorientierte Diskursanalse (Blocked Discourses – Blocked Change? Consideration About a strategy Orientated Discourse Analysis)”, in: spw (Magazine for Socialist Politics and Economy)197(July)


With Benjamin Mikfeld, “Einfuhrung in Eine Strategieorientierte Diskursanalyse” (Introduction to a Strategy Orientated Discourse-Analysis)”, in:Denkwerk Demokratie(Ed.): Sprache und Politik (Language and Politics), Campus-Publishing


With Benjamin Mikfeld Diskurs, Hegemonie und Milieus. Strategische Überlegungen für die politische Praxis (Discourse, Hegemony, and milieus. Strategic considerations for political practice), Vorwärts-Publishing


“Kitsch: sowohl kulturelle als auch sozioökonomische Kategorie” (Kitsch - a cultural as well as social-economic category), in: Frankfurter Hefte/ Neue Gesellschaft, 7-8/2012

“Gibt es noch Spielarten des Kapitalismus?” (Are there still varieties of capitalism?), in: Frankfurter Hefte/ Neue Gesellschaft, 4/2012


“Wie ensteht bürgerliche Öffentlichkeit? – Die Neuen Auftraggeber. Für eine Kunst der Zivilgesellschaft” (How does civic public sphere occur? – New Patrons. For an art of the civic society), in: Foundation for Citizens Cooperation (Ed.): Die Zukunft der Bürgerbeteiligung: Herausforderungen – Trends – Projekte (The Future of Civic Participation: Challanges – Trends – Projects), Bonn

Interview: “Politische Konkretheit oder Rückzug ins Ästhetische? – Wo steht die Kunst heute?“ (Political Concretness or Retreat into the Abstract? Where stands art today?), in: Frankfurter Hefte/ Neue Gesellschaft, 1-2/2011


Der Sozialdemokratische Reformdiskurs in Deutschland, Großbritannien und Schweden (The social democratic reform discourse in Germany, Great Britain, and Sweden), VS-Publishing House.

“Die Popkultur ist friedlich entschlafen“ (Pop Culture passed away peacefully), in: Frankfurter Hefte/ Neue Gesellschaft, 9/2010

“Der Politikdiskurs der Sozialdemokratie. Gefangen in einer aufgezwungen Logik“ (The political Discourse of Social Democracy. Trapped in an imposed Logic), in: perspektiven ds, Vol.27, 2/2010


„Gleichheit oder die Rückkehr einer alten Frage“ (Equality or the Return of an old Question), in: Frankfurter Hefte/ Neue Gesellschaft, 9/2009


„Programmatik der Sozialen Demokratie heute: Das neue Grundsatzprogramm als kultureller Diskurs“ (The Agenda of Social Democracy today. The new Basic Value Program as a Cultural Discours), in: perspektiven ds, Vol.25, 1/2008


with Björn Böhning. „Re-Politisierung des Polischen“ (Re-Politisation of the political“), in: perspektiven ds, Vol.24, 1/2007

with Claudia Bogedan and Sebastian Jobelius „Praxis der Sozialen Demokratie. Auf unterschiedlichen Wegen zum gleichen Ziel?“ (Political praxis of social democracy. On different paths to the same goal“), in: Kurt Beck, Hubertus Heil (Ed.) Soziale Demokratie im 21. Jahrhundert. Lesebuch zur Programmdebatte der SPD (Social Democracy in the 21st Century. A Reader for the Debate of the New Party Program of the SPD), Vorwärts-Publishing House


with Thomas Meyer Praxis der Sozialen Demokratie (Political practice of social democracy), VS-Publishing House.

„Varianten des Kapitalismus“ (Varieties of capitalism), in: Frankfurter Hefte/ Neue Gesellschaft, 1+2/2006.


with Thomas Meyer Theorie der Sozialen Demokratie (Theory of Social Democracy), VS-Publishing House.

„Globale Demokratisierung und die Rolle Europas“ (Global Democratisation and the Role of Europe), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Reihe Berliner Akademiegespräche, 8/2005

„Die Zukunft des Sozialstaates“, (The Future of the welfare state), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Reihe Berliner Akademiegespräche, 12/2005


„Das sozialdemokratische Modell ist tot, lang lebe das sozialdemokratische Modell“ (The social democratic model is dead, long live the social democratic model), in: perspektiven ds, Vol.21, 1/2004

„Wird Pop noch gebraucht?“ (Is pop still needed?), in: Nieland, Jörg-Uwe/ Kamps, Klaus (Ed.): Politikdarstellung und Unterhaltungskultur. Zum Wandel der politischen Kultur (Presentation of Politics and Culture of Entertainment. The Change of Political Culture), Halem-Publishing House.


Kunst statt Leerstand. Strategien künstlerischer Aneignung von urbanen Brachen und ihre Austrahlung auf die soziale Ordnung“ (Art instead of vacancy. Artistic appropriation and its effects on the social order), in: Bauer-Volke, Kristina/ Dietzsch, Ina (Ed.): Labor Ostdeutschland, Federal Cultural Foundation/ Federal Agency for Civic Eduaction.


„Jugend ohne Politik“ (Youth without politics) in: Stark, Jürgen/ Gorny, Dieter (Ed.): Popkultur 2002/2003, Rowohlt-Publishing House


·since 2010

Member of the Federal Board of the Cultural Forum of Social Democracy, Social Democratic Party of Germany.

·since 7/ 2011

Co-editor “perspektiven ds”-magazine, published by the association “Hochschulinitiative demokratischer Sozialismus HDS” (Academic Initiative Democratic Socialism)