Jingjing Zhang


Jingjing Zhang




Associate Professor

Department of Sociology,  School of Humanities, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China.




July  2014

June  2010

June  2007

Ph.D in Sociology, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

M.A. in Philosophy (Ethics), Southeast University, Nanjing, China

B.A. in Sociology, Southeast University, Nanjing, China


Ageing study, sociology  of morality, qualitative research method


·Undergraduate: “Communication, Media and Society”;  “A History of Western Social Thoughts”; “Ageing and Life Course”.

·Graduate: “Qualitative Research Methods”; “Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice”;  “Gerontological Social Work”


Journal  articles

Zhang, J., 2018, “The  Current Representation and Discursive Construction of Filial Piety in the  Context of New MediaAn NVivo  Analysis of Data Collected from Sina Weibo”, Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),  2018(2): 15-23, [in Chinese].

Zhang, J., Wei, Y., 2018,  “The Practices and Spread of Buddhist Hospice Services: A Case Study of  Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Lamasery”, The World Religious Cultures, 2018(1):137-142,  [in Chinese].

Zhang, J., 2017, “The  Sense of Being Disadvantaged and the Trust Crisis between Generations”, Journal of Southeast University  (Philosophy and Social Science), 2017(3):37-42, [in Chinese].

Zhang, J., 2017, “Intergenerational  Expectation and Ethical Cultural Conflicts under Western Welfare System in  Chinese Migrant Families in New Zealand”, Journal  of Overseas Chinese History Studies, 2017(1):68-76, [in Chinese].

Zhang, J., 2016, “Dual  Risks: Reconstruction of Aged Care Resources in China’s Newly Urbanized Areas”,  Academia Bimestrie, 2016(6):33-37,  [in Chinese].

Zhang, J., 2016, “Aging  in Cyberspace: Internet Use and Quality of life of Older Chinese migrants”, The Journal of Chinese Sociology, (2016):3:26,  DOI 10.1186/s40711-016-0045-y, [in English].

Zhang, J., 2016, “Book Review:  Mixed race Identities in Asia and the Pacific: Experiences from  Singapore and New Zealand”, New Zealand  Sociology, 2016, 31(1): 249-251, [in English].

Zhang, J., 2014, “Elderly  Chinese Migrants, Intergenerational Reciprocity and Quality of life”, New Zealand Sociology, 2014, 29(2):  11-30, [in English].

Conference  papers

Zhang, J.,2018. “The Methodological  Exploration of Empirical Moral Studies: Utilizing Multiple Paradigm”. Paper  presented at the 2018 Chinese Sociological Association Conference, Nanjing,  China.

Zhang, J., 2016.  “Deprivation of Resources: Aged Care in China's Newly Urbanized Areas”. Paper  presented at the Third ISA (International Sociological Association) Forum of  Sociology, Vienna, Austria.

Zhang, J., 2014. “Asian  Transnational Migrant Families and Intergenerational Relations”. Panel  presented at AAS-IN-ASIA Conference 2014 on “Asia in Motion: Heritage and  Transformation”, Singapore.

Zhang, J., 2013. “Enhancing  Quality of Life: Transnational Support Exchange of Elderly Chinese Migrants”.  Paper presented at the eSocSci New Settlers Research Network Seminar Series  2013.

Zhang, J., 2013. “Social  Support and Quality of life of Aging Chinese immigrants in New Zealand”.  Paper presented at The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and  Geriatrics, Seoul, Korea.

Zhang, J., 2012. “Elderly  Chinese Migrants, Intergenerational Reciprocity, and Quality of Life”. Paper  presented at The 2012 Australian Sociological Association (TASA) Conference,  Brisbane, Australia.

Zhang, J.,  2012. “The New Media and Chinese Migrant Netizens: Wellbeing of Elderly  Chinese Immigrants”. Paper presented at the Pathways to Metropolis in the  21st Century: International Conference on Immigration Issues and Futures,  Auckland, New Zealand.

Zhang, J., 2011. “Productive  Ageing and Quality of Life -- Grandparenting or Volunteering: Two Approaches  to Being Productive”. The Proceedings of the 4th APRU Research Symposium on  Gerontology, Shanghai, China.


Translated Livable Communities for Aging Populations:  Urban Design for Longevity (by M. Scott Ball, 2012, Wiley) into Chinese,  with Qian Wang et al., published by Huazhong University of Science &  Technology Press, 2016


“Quality of Life and  Social Security of Migrant Retirees in China”, funded by National Social Science  Foundation of China (No. 15CSH077), 2015-2018, 200,000 CNY.


Research Assistant of  Auckland City Council, working on the project “Integration  of Immigrants Programme: Ethnic Precinct”, Auckland, New Zealand (February to  June, 2014).

Research Assistant of Faculty  of Arts, working on the project “Digitally Chinese: Exploring Diasporic  Identity through a Cyber Lens”, The University of Auckland, New Zealand (2012-2013).