哲人席第十二期: Right, Law, and Obligation in Kant’s Doctrine of Right


讲座主题:Right, Law, and Obligation in Kant’s Doctrine of Right

主讲人:海纳·克莱默(Heiner F. Klemme) 国际康德研究和德国哲学研究界极具影响力的学者。德国美因茨大学教授、现代哲学研究所主任、康德研究中心主任,马堡康德档案发展协会主任,国际著名学术刊物《康德研究》主编,《康德研究补遗》丛书主编,洪堡基金会评委等。

主持人:刘作 哲学与科学系讲师

时  间:2014年9月7日(周日)18:30—20:30

地  点:九龙湖校区文科楼五楼高级学术活动中心

  要:I first consider the concept of the validity of right and law from a historical perspective according to Rudolf Stammler, Hans Kelsen, and Jürgen Habermas. This is carried out with the intention of better understanding the particularities of the Kantian conception of right, law, and obligation in the Doctrine of Right in section two of my paper. In it I will focus on private right in the sate of nature, on the transition from private to public right and on the absence of a right to resistance in Public Right. In the third section, I try to make Kant’s doctrine of the innate right of freedom more plausible from a somewhat modern, systematic perspective. This takes place in the framework of discussions that are devoted to the question of whether there are juridical or ethical boundaries of obedience to the authority of positive law.


联系人:高广旭 ggx2010@163.com

        黄婷 puppyhting@163.com