



1. 魏福明,《王安石义理诠释学研究》,国社科一般项目

2. 张娟,《新移民文学的中国文学传统和当代价值研究》,国社科一般项目

3. 吴心越,《失智症长期照护的人类学研究》,国社科青年项目

4. 刘莹,《自闭症儿童家长的育儿实践与身份认同研究》,国社科后期资助项

5. 张晒,《制治时代公共政策的道德含量评估研究》,国社科后期资助项目



1. 吕秋琳,《北京冬奥会背景下中国旅游目的地形象测度、衍变和媒体作用机制研究》,教育部人文社科基金青年项目

2. 胡辛凯,《自然主义视域下的亚里士多德实践哲学研究》,省社科青年项

3. 刘莹,《江苏省残障人士就业新形态及其保障机制研究》,省社科青年项目

4. 黄亮,《增值视角下有效提升乡村学校办学质量的能力建设路径研究》,省社科青年项目

5. 魏福明,《王安石传》,省社科江苏文脉研究专项

6. 李铀,《元末明初吴门画派研究》,省社科江苏文脉研究专项




1. 马向真,《关于做好疫情期间社会心态疏导与塑造的对策建议》,江苏省高校哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖

2. 洪岩璧,《早期健康与阶层再生产》,江苏省高校哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖

3. 张晶晶,《现代家庭的伦理承载力--基于2017年全国道德调查的实证分析》,江苏省高校哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖





1. 高广旭,《劳动的张力与马克思社会政治哲学的奠基——基于对黑格尔劳动概念的结构性考察》,《哲学研究》2021年第6期。

2. 庞俊来,《伦理学回到伦理的实践哲学概念》,《哲学研究》2021年第8期。

3. 范志均,《绝对命令的三种人称推理》,《哲学研究》2021年第6期。

4. 范志均,《非认知主义的建构主义》,《哲学动态》2021年第10期。

5. 葛天勤,《亚里士多德<论动物的部分>中的多重原因论——重思亚里士多德生物学中的本质主义》,《哲学研究》2021年第10期。

6. 徐嘉,《儒家伦理的情理逻辑》,《哲学动态》2021年第7期。

7. 乔玉钰,《逍遥于叙事与抒情之间——林顺夫教授访谈》,《文艺研究》2021年第9期。

8. 程诚,《求同还是存异?同质性视角下的学业成就研究》,《社会学研究》2021年第1期。

9. 韦鸣秋,《旅游目的地精益服务供给中的组织关系演进逻辑——基于重庆、西安、杭州的跨案例比较研究》,《管理世界》2021年第7期。




1. Zeng, Yu, 2021, “Politicized adjudication vis-à-vis petitioners in Chinese criminal justice.”     Journal of Contemporary China, https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2021.2010874.

2. Zhong, Pei, 2021, “Authoritarian critical citizens and declining political trust in China.” China Review 21(2).

3. Huang, Liang. 2021, “Examining principal leadership effects on teacher professional learning in China: A multilevel analysis.” Educational Management Administration & Leadership, https://doi.org/10.1177/17411432211041626.

4. Huang, Liang, 2021, “Bullying victimization, self-efficacy, fear of failure, and adolescents’ subjective well-being in China.” Children and Youth Services Review 127. 

5. Huang, Liang, 2021, “Perceived social support, psychological capital, and subjective well-being among college students in the context of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.” The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher,   https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-021-00608-3.

6. Chen, Chuqian, 2021, “Profiles of grief, post-traumatic stress, and post-traumatic growth among people bereaved due to COVID-19.” European Journal of Psychotraumatology 12(1).

7. Chen, Chuqian, 2021, “Family caregivers’ perceptions about patients' dying and death quality influence their grief intensity.” Applied Nursing Research, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2021.151456.

8. Chen, Chuqian, 2021, “Assessment of professional bereavement: The development and validation of the professional bereavement scale.” Palliative and Supportive Care, doi: 10.1017/S1478951521000250. 

9. Chen, Chuqian, 2021, “Bereavement after patient deaths among Chinese physicians and nurses: A qualitative description study.” OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 0030222821992194. 

10. Cheng, Guobin, 2021, “End-of-life needs of dying patients and their families in mainland China: A systematic review.” OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, doi:10.1177/0030222821997340

11. Zhang, Jingjing, 2021, “Media representation of older people’s vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic in China.” European Journal of Ageing 18(2).

12. Qian, Linliang, 2021, “Experiencing developmentalism: The state(s), grassroots traders and e-commerce boom in a Chinese city.” China: An International Journal 19(1). 

13. Li, Feng, 2021, “Self-stigma and its relationship with rates of depression diagnosis.” Crisis, doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000780.

14. Lu, Qiulin, 2021, “Do you dare to travel to China? An examination of China’s destination image amid the COVID-19.” Tourism Management Perspectives, doi:   10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100881.

15. Zhao, Zhengyuan, 2021, “Development path of industrial heritage tourism: A case study of Kitakyushu (Japan).” Sustainability 13(21).

16. Gu, Qiushi, 2021, “Tourist spatiotemporal behaviour in an emerging wine region: A time geography perspective.” Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 19(1).

17. Gu, Qiushi, 2021, “The role of nostalgia-evoking stimuli at nostalgia-themed restaurants in explaining benefits, consumption value and post-purchase behavioral intention.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 96: 102955. 

18. Lai, Liqing, 2021, “Location of Airbnb and hotels: the spatial distribution and relationships.” Tourism Review, 10.1108/TR-10-2020-0476.

19. Lai, Liqing, 2021, “Knowledge mapping of sharing accommodation: A bibliometric analysis.” Tourism Management Perspectives, 10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100897.

20. Chen, Xiaoying, 2021, “Pharmaceutical sales representatives in the United States and China: The need for professional public space.” Health Care Analysis, DOI: 10.1007/s10728-021-00438-w.

21. Untea, Ionut. 2021, “Semioethics and the Average Life: Philosophical Harvesting from Arid Soils.” The American Journal of Semiotics 37(1–2).

22. Untea, Ionut. 2021, “Political Ontology: The Politics of Regret, the Burden of Collective Guilt, and the Cohesiveness of the Political Community.” Ethical Perspectives 28(3).

23. Untea, Ionut. 2021, “Covenantal Trust and Semioethics: A Reflection on Interpersonal and Intercultural Summoning.” Semiotica, DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1515/sem-2018-0153.

24. Ge, Tianqin, 2021, “The Status of Xenocrates in the History of the Text of Plato’s Corpus Reconsidered.” Phoenix-The Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 73(3/4).

25. Ge, Tianqin, 2021, “How Does Syrianus Conceive of Aristotle's Theory of the Unmoved Mover: Polemical or Reconciliatory?” Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 61(3).

26. Zhou, Shilu, 2021, “Review on Zhang Jiemo’s Bixing Aesthetics.” Dao-A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20(3).