







2012.09- 2016.06:中山大学,管理学学士

2016.09- 2021.12:中山大学,管理学博士(硕博连读)

2019.10- 2020.10:格里菲斯大学,联合培养



1) Chen, F., Xu, H., & Lew, A. A. (2020). Livelihood resilience in tourism communities: the role of human agency. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(4), 606-624.

2) Chen, F., Dai, S., Zhu, Y., & Xu, H. (2020). Will concerns for ski tourism promote proenvironmental behaviour? An implication of protection motivation theory. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22(3), 303-313.

3) Chen, F., Dai, S., Xu, H., & Abliz, A. (2020). Senior's travel constraint, negotiation strategy and travel intention: Examining the role of social support. International Journal of Tourism Research.

4) Chen, F., Naylor, M., Li, Y., Dai, S. & Ju, P. (2020) Festival or sport? Chinese motivations to a modern urban hiking event. SAGE Open.

5) Dai, S., Xu, H., & Chen, F. (2019). A Hierarchical Measurement Model of Perceived Resilience of Urban Tourism Destination. Social Indicators Research, 1-28.

6Zhao, Y., Chen, F., & Xu, H. (2019). “It is a way of life”: detecting Chinese students’ wellbeing during the Spring Festival homecoming. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 1-15.

7) 徐红罡, & 陈芳芳. (2018). 目的地创业环境与旅游小企业创业——不同类型小企业比较研究. 旅游科学, 32(1), 29-44.

8) 代姗姗,刘巧玉,陈芳芳. (2020) 洪水冲击下的旅游小企业恢复力与危机应对. 旅游论坛.(通讯作者)



参加“2019年美国地理学家协会年会美国,华盛顿),汇报学术成果 “Community Resilience and External Tourism Investment -- an Insight from Panarchy”2019.04

参加第七届国际旅游学会两年一度会议(南非,勒陀尼亚),汇报学术成果“livelihood resilience under external investment- emphasizing the role of human agency”2018.08

参加首届中国国际体育旅游高层论坛(中国,上海),汇报学术成果“For Sport or Fun? --Motivations to Participate in a Hiking Festival”2018.04

参加旅游可持续发展国际会议(中国,香港),汇报学术成果“The Resilience of Small Business in Guanxian Ancient Town after Wenchuan Earthquake”2016.05