




1.    季中扬,推进城乡精神文明建设融合发展研究,国家社科重大项目

2.    徐嘉,礼乐伦理精神的历史建构,国家社科重点项目

3.    洪岩璧,当代社会微观分层机制研究,国家社科重点项目

4.    乙楠楠,生物医学领域伦理倾销的发生机制及应对策略研究,国家社科青年项目

5.    高广旭,马克思主义伦理学理论形态的当代建构,国家社科后期资助项目

6.    范志军,康德式元伦理学研究,国家社科后期资助项目

7.    张佳,近代绅商居士的精神与生活世界研究,国家社科后期资助项目

8.    韦鸣秋,目的地政策叙事对旅游者绿色出行的影响机制与效应研究,国家自科青年项目

9.    陈芳芳,社会学习视角下旅游社区灾害韧性的特征、建设机制与实践路径研究,国家自科青年项目




1.      程诚,互联网疾病众筹中的资助行为和筹资效果研究,江苏省社科基金重点项目

2.      靳力,中国共产党交通建设思想百年发展史研究(1921-2021),江苏省社科基金一般项目

3.      何志宁,江苏城市工业遗址开发利用与公众参与研究,江苏省社科基金一般项目

4.      顾秋实,数字时代赋能非遗文化创意产业发展研究,江苏省社科基金一般项目

5.      郭冠宇,基于“历史考订版全集”的黑格尔现代逻辑机理研究,江苏省社科基金青年项目

6.      乙楠楠,生物医学领域伦理倾销预警机制研究,江苏省社科基金青年项目

7.      齐丹舒,返乡入乡人才全面推进乡村振兴的江苏实践研究,江苏省社科基金青年项目

8.      吴蕊寒,江苏思想学术的现代转型研究,江苏省社科基金“江苏文脉研究”专项

9.      王华宝,江苏近代语言学研究,江苏省社科基金“江苏文脉研究”专项

10.  程诚,当代公众的社会分层信念及其影响研究,江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目

11.  尚俊辰,经济博弈中面孔和嗓音吸引力对合作和风险决策的影响,教育部人文社科规划基金项目



1.      樊和平,伦理道德的精神哲学形态,第二届唐凯麟伦理学奖

2.      王华宝,俞樾全集(点校本)(共三十二册),全国古籍出版社百佳图书一等奖

3.      王华宝,俞樾全集(点校本)(共三十二册),上海市第十六届(20202021)哲学社会科学优秀成果奖学科学术优秀成果奖著作类二等奖




1.    程诚、袁野,潜在施助者的社会特征——基于CGSS2010-2018)的实证研究,《社会学研究》,2023年第3期:112-134

2.    樊浩,伦理精神现代“建构”的文化战略,《中国社会科学文摘》,2023年第2期:53-54

3.    樊浩,伦理文明观:“非常伦理最后觉悟,《哲学动态》,2023年第2期:13-22

4.    贺晏然、褚国锋,以图入史,以史解图——梁景之著《图像与历史:华北民间宗教调查研究》述评,《世界宗教研究》,2023年第5期:123-125

5.    胡洁、周晓虹,为中国式现代化服务:社会学学科建设40年,《社会学研究》,2023年第2期:1-25

6.    吴蕊寒,国族关系与文野之辨——杨度与章太炎思想比较研究,《哲学动态》,2023年第5期:74-84

7.    张娟,跨域凝视”:新世纪海外华文非虚构写作的困境与出路,《文学评论》,2023年第1期:156-164

8.    张学义、王晓雪,伦理旋钮”:破解无人驾驶算法困境的密钥?,《中国人民大学学报》,202337卷第2期:73-82


(二) SSCISCIA&HCI论文(只计第一作者,按姓名拼音排序)

1.    Brunozzi, Philippe; Brys, Waldemar, 2023, Target-centred virtue ethics: Aristotelian or Confucian?, INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY

2.    Chen, Chuqian; Cheng, Guobin; Chen, Xiaoying; Yu, Lingling, 2023, Information disclosure to cancer patients in Mainland China: A meta-analysis, PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY

3.    Chen, Chuqian; Chow, Amy Yin Man, 2023, Influencing factors of nurses' short-term bereavement reactions after patient death, DEATH STUDIES

4.    Chen, Chuqian; Du, Lina; Cheng, Guobin; Jin, Yanyan, 2023, Families' perception of terminal patients' prognosis awareness is associated with families' own grief: Evidence from a hospital in China, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING

5.    Chen, Chuqian; Zhang, Robert Jiqi, 2023, Short-term professional bereavement reactions and their links with the meaning of patient death: Evidence from network analyses, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING

6.    Cui, Ya-Bin, 2023, Research on master Tai Xu's three teachings, UNIVERSITAS-MONTHLY REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE

7.    Ge, Tianqin, 2022, Neoplatonists on the place of Aristotle's biological works, JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES

8.    Ge, Tianqin, 2023, Aristotle's God and Gods, UNIVERSITAS-MONTHLY REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE

9.    Ge, Tianqin, 2023, The Earliest Peripatetic Commentators in the First Century BCE and the Old Academy: A Neglected Antiochean Legacy, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY

10.Han, Lei; Xu, Feifei; Xu, Fan; Hu, Mingxing; Hou, Guoling, 2023, Inside Airbnb titles: The location choices of listings from Chinese hosts' advertising expressions, TOURISM MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES

11.He, Yunmeng; Xu, Feifei; Wang, Lijun; Nguyen, Hoaidan, 2023, Modeling tourists' pro-environmental behavior: a combination of the value-belief-norm theory and environmental identity theory, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT

12.Hu, Chao S. S.; Zhang, Haotian; Short, Lindsey A. A.; Hu, Shuhua, 2023, Individuals with higher suicide risk showed more anger and disgust during rest, DEATH STUDIES

13.Hu, Chao S.; Zheng, Yanbin; Dong, Guang-heng; Glassman, Harley; Huang, Chenli; Xuan, Ran, 2023, Resting state default mode network is associated with wise advising, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS

14.Hu, Chao; Zhang, Haotian; Huang, Chengli; Munroe, Melanie; Feng, Zhe; Ge, Yanying; Tian, Yipeng, 2023, Conception of Wisdom Resources Among Chinese Emerging and Young Adults, EMERGING ADULTHOOD

15.Li, Xian; Wei, Fuming, 2023, What Confucian Eco-Ethics Can Teach Us about Solving the Dilemma of Interpreting the Concept of Sustainability, RELIGIONS

16.Liu, Min; Dong, Hua, 2023, System Science Generative Holism Enlightens Global Environmental Governance, WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION

17.Liu, Ying; Fisher, Karen R., 2023, Struggle for recognition, rights, and redistribution: Understanding the identity of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in China, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY

18.Mykhailov, Dmytro, 2023, Mediation and Transcendence: Balancing Postphenomenological Theory of Technological Mediation with Karl Jaspers's Metaphysics of Ciphers, HUMAN STUDIES

19.Mykhailov, Dmytro; Liberati, Nicola, 2023, Back to the technologies themselves: phenomenological turn within postphenomenology, PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE COGNITIVE SCIENCES

20.Qian, Linliang, 2023, The 'Good' Neoliberalism: E-Commerce Entrepreneurship and the Search for a Good Life in China, ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY

21.Qian, Linliang; Chen, Ruonan, 2023, Where you live determines how you are treated: E-commerce geography and digital inequality in China, EURASIAN GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS

22.Ren, Wanting; Liang, Zurong, 2023, Neighborhood deprivation and depressive symptoms in Chinese adolescents: Mediated by parenting styles and moderated by relative family status, JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS

23.Shang, Junchen; Liu, Chang Hong, 2023, The Role of Sex in the Effect of Vocal Attractiveness on Ultimatum Game Decisions, BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES

24.Shang, Junchen; Liu, Zhihui; Liu, Chang Hong, 2023, Voice attractiveness and decision making in third-party punishment, PSYCH JOURNAL

25.Tao, Zhuoli, 2023, 106 Cases of homicide poisoning in China-A retrospective study, LEGAL MEDICINE

26.Yin, Margaret X. C.; Chan, Jessie S. M.; Lau, Bobo H. P.; Leung, Pamela P. Y.; Gao, Siyu; Yuen, Lai Ping; Chan, Cecilia L. W.; Ng, Siu-man, 2023, A self-administered moxibustion-cum-massage intervention for older adults with chronic pain in the community: A randomized controlled trial, COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN MEDICINE

27.Yin, Margaret Xi Can; Chen, Xuan-Yu; Shen, Xiao-Lu; Lin, Hai-Duo; Xi, Hai-Tao; Qiu, Lin, 2023, Illness anxiety, infertility stress, resilience and thyroid-stimulating hormone among infertile people undergoing ART treatment in China, PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH

28.Zhang, Meng Xuan, 2023, The impact of COVID-19 anxiety on young adults' social media addiction: The mediating role of depression and intolerance of uncertainty, JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS

29.Zhang, Meng Xuan; Yu, Shu M.; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Wu, Anise M. S., 2023, Metacognitive beliefs and anxiety symptoms could serve as mediators between fear of missing out and gaming disorder in adolescents, ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS

30.Zhang, Xing, 2023, Only Tian Is the Greatest: Transcendent Ontology of Life Confucianism, DAO-A JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY

31.Zhu, Wencheng, 2023, Libido Revisited- A Foucauldian Understanding of Augustine's Libido and Shame, UNIVERSITAS-MONTHLY REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE

32.Zou, Xiang; Nie, Jing-Bao, 2023, The Vulnerability of Rural Migrants Under COVID-19 Quarantine in China and its Global Implications: A Socio-Ethical Analysis, JOURNAL OF BIOETHICAL INQUIRY