


(一)    国家社科基金项目


1.    樊和平,中华民族共同体伦理道德的话语体系与理论体系建构,国家社科重大项目

2.    赵浩,中国式现代化进程中乡村伦理共同体构建研究,国家社科一般项目

3.    靳力,社会技术系统视域下数字政府伦理风险治理研究,国家社科一般项目

4.    靳海鹏,数字示范效应扩大文化消费的机制研究,国家社科一般项目

5.    程诚,数字职业中的性别平等研究,国家社科一般项目

6.    孙逸凡,本体论自然主义挑战下克服道德虚无主义的哲学研究,国家社科青年项目

7.    胡辛凯,亚里士多德《大伦理学》的校勘、翻译与研究,国家社科青年项目

8.    汪斌,中国老年人健康生活方式养成机制与改善策略研究,国家社科青年项目

9.    毕云,从爵本位到官本位:秦汉官僚品位结构研究,国家社科中华学术外译项目






(二)    省部级项目


1.       樊和平,人文经济学内涵与价值研究,江苏省社科基金重大项目

2.       汪斌,数智时代背景下老年人健康不平等消解机制及政策优化研究,江苏省社科基金青年项目

3.       张晶,健康江苏背景下数字技术对医患信任的影响机制及对策研究,江苏省社科基金青年项目

4.       韦鸣秋,江苏省加快发展入境旅游的政策叙事机制与优化路径研究,江苏省社科基金青年项目

5.       卞绍斌,康德自由观念研究,江苏省社科基金后期一般项目

6.       梁卫霞,阿奎那德性伦理学研究,江苏省社科基金后期一般项目

7.       龙书芹,老龄文明评估指标体系研究,江苏省社科基金自筹项目

8.       尚俊辰,焦虑大学生对复合表情的认知机制及干预研究,江苏省教育科学规划重点课题

9.       孙峰,积极老龄化背景下“老有所为”支持政策研究,民政部部级课题




1.       樊和平,现代伦理学理论形态,第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)著作论文奖三等奖

2.       王宁,分享经济的社会建构,第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)著作论文奖三等奖

3.       王华宝(排名第2),俞樾全集,第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)著作论文奖二等奖

4.       黄婷(排名第3),中国近现代科技转型的历史轨迹与哲学反思(第一、二卷),第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)著作论文奖二等奖

5.       高广旭,政治经济学语境下的马克思正义观研究,第十三届江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究成果奖一等奖

6.       韦鸣秋,旅游目的地精益服务供给中的组织关系演进逻辑——基于重庆、西安、杭州的跨案例比较研究,第十三届江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究成果奖一等奖

7.       程诚,求助悖论:疾病众筹的社会经济地位差异,第十三届江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究成果奖二等奖

8.       张敏,算法治理:21世纪的公共管理现代化与范式变革,第十三届江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究成果奖二等奖

9.       庞俊来,“伦理学”回到“伦理”的实践哲学概念,第十三届江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究成果奖三等奖




(一)    国内学科最高级论文(只计第一作者,按姓名拼音排序)

1.    卞绍斌,自律与目的王国:康德自由观念的规范性阐释,中国人民大学学报

2.    陈非儿,一九四九年至一九六二年中国侨生政策演变考析,中共党史研究

3.    樊和平,非常伦理”论,哲学研究

4.    樊和平、郭卫华,探寻“伦理精神”的中华文明形态——访樊和平教授,哲学动态

5.    高广旭,在政治经济学与政治哲学之间——重思《资本论》的“劳动力”概念,哲学动态

6.    李健芸,为是不用而寓诸庸——《齐物论》中“以明”如何安顿是非之争,哲学研究

7.    尚俊辰,面孔吸引力对经济决策的影响机制,科学通报

8.    王宁,文化视角下的中国消费密码,中国社会科学

9.    武小西,对人类增强技术的建构主义辩护——以社会平等问题为考察中心,哲学研究





(二)    SSCISCIA&HCI论文(只计第一作者,按姓名拼音排序)

1.    An, Yandong; Gao, Feiyan; Long, Xingfa; Wang, Shu; Ma, Xiangzhen, 2024, The relationship between peer physical and relational victimization and adolescent depressive symptoms: the roles of self-warmth and self-coldness, CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY

2.    An, Yandong; Zhang, Meng Xuan, 2024, Relationship between problematic smartphone use and sleep problems: The roles of sleep-related compensatory health beliefs and bedtime procrastination, DIGITAL HEALTH

3.    Bai, Jiangyao; Chen, Haixin; Gu, Xiang; Ji, Yuqun; Zhu, Xiaodan, 2024, Temporal and spatial characteristics of carbon emissions from cultivated land use and their influencing factors: A case study of the Yangtze River Delta region, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE

4.    Bi, Mengxi, 2024, The Zhi-Qi Concept and Theoretical Concerns of the Cheng Brothers, UNIVERSITAS-MONTHLY REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE

5.    Chen, Chuqian, 2024, Accumulated changes due to patient deaths: medical students' expectations and staff's experiences, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY

6.    Chen, Chuqian; Chen, Jieling, 2024, Subjective rather than objective patient death experiences link with physicians' and nurses' professional quality of life, BMC NURSING

7.    Chen, Chuqian; Chow, Amy Yin Man, 2024, Influencing factors of nurses' short-term bereavement reactions after patient death, DEATH STUDIES

8.    Chen, Chuqian; Li, Weiying, 2024, Changes Due to Patient Deaths: Medical Students' Expectations vs. Health Professionals' Experiences, JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT

9.    Chen, Chuqian; Yu, Lingling, 2024, Chinese older adults' prior-to-death disability profiles and their correlates, BMC GERIATRICS

10.Chen, Chuqian; Zhang, Robert Jiqi, 2024, Short-term professional bereavement reactions and their links with the meaning of patient death: Evidence from network analyses, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING

11.Cheng, Cheng; Yang, Shen; Li, Chenyu; Yao, Yuan, 2024, Macro-level gender inequality and child health outcomes in China, CHINESE SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW

12.Deng, Xuyang; Wang, Yu; Zhi, Dan; Xu, Liuqing; Li, Zhongquan, 2024, Exploring the factor structure of a Chinese version of the CORE-OM: insights from network approach and bifactor modeling, PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH

13.Gu, Qiushi; Ye, Ben Haobin; Huang, Songshan (Sam); Wong, Man Sing; Wang, Lei, 2024, Spatial structure and influencing factors of an emerging wine tourism network: a case study of the Ningxia wine region, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT

14.He, Yunmeng; Xu, Feifei; Wang, Lijun; Nguyen, Hoaidan, 2024, Modeling tourists' pro-environmental behavior: a combination of the value-belief-norm theory and environmental identity theory, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT

15.Hu, Chao S. S.; Zhang, Haotian; Short, Lindsey A. A.; Hu, Shuhua, 2024, Individuals with higher suicide risk showed more anger and disgust during rest, DEATH STUDIES

16.Hu, Chao S.; Zhang, Haotian; Short, Lindsey A.; Liu, Mengyuan; Huang, Chengli; Liang, Zhijian; Yang, Ying; Huang, Manxia; Xie, Dong, 2024, Learning of a Classmate's Suicide Ideation Affects Emotions When Advising the Classmate and the Helpfulness of the Advice Provided, ARCHIVES OF SUICIDE RESEARCH

17.Jiang, Mingdong; Yu, Xinxin; Dai, Mengyuan; Shen, Xiaomei; Zhong, Guanyu; Yuan, Chunlai, 2024, How do Multi-Scale Virtual Water Flows of Large River Economic Belts Impact Regional Water Distribution: Based on a Nested Input-Output Model, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

18.Li, Feng, 2024, A retrospective study of traffic offenses associated with driving under the influence of drugs in China, TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION

19.Li, Hon-Lam, 2024, The Concept and Conceptions of Personhood: The Fallacy of Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby's Argument, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS

20.Liu, Chenyingzi; Zhang, Lei, 2024, Retirement, confucian culture, and household financial asset allocation for older adults, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE

21.Liu, Dan, 2024, How teachers accommodate digital multimodal communication in pedagogy: A review of Designing Learning for Multimodal Literacy-Teaching Viewing and Representing, JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT & ADULT LITERACY

22.Liu, Min; Dong, Hua, 2024, Improving Environmental Awareness of Carbon Neutrality Based on Kinship with All Life, WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION

23.Liu, Xuerui; Liu, Chun; Zhao, Qi; Sun, Hongwen, 2024, Effect of intergenerational relationships in daily life on travel behaviors of adult children and parents: A comparative study of the two generations' perspectives, JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT

24.Liu, Xuerui; Wang, Jiayu; Cai, Jing; Tse, Serene, 2024, Traveling with Perceived Risks to a COVID-19-Shaken Destination in the New Normal Era, SAGE OPEN

25.Liu, Xuerui; Wang, Lixia; Zheng, Jinli; Mao, Weijie; Liu, Wenru; Zhu, Guangcan; Ji, Xiao-Ming; Zhang, Qi, 2024, Multi-omics analysis reveals the collaboration and metabolisms of the anammox consortia driven by soluble/non-soluble Fe(III) as the sole iron element, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

26.Liu, Ying; Cui, Jialiang, 2024, Negotiating good motherhood: Lived experiences of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder in China, RESEARCH IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS

27.Liu, Ying; Fisher, Karen R., 2024, Barriers to High-quality Therapy Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Analysis of Street-level Policy Practice of Therapy Service Organisations in China, BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK

28.Lu, Wencheng, 2024, Inevitable challenges of autonomy: ethical concerns in personalized algorithmic decision-making, HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS

29.Peng, Li; Jiang, Yu; Ye, Jing; Xiong, Zhiheng, 2024, The Impact of Empathy on Prosocial Behavior Among College Students: The Mediating Role of Moral Identity and the Moderating Role of Sense of Security, BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES

30.Qi, Danshu, 2024, Ecological agriculture and rural revitalization: toward a post-productivist countryside in Nanjing, China, ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY

31.Qi, Danshu, 2024, Ecological agriculture and rural revitalization: toward a post-productivist countryside in Nanjing, China, ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY

32.Qian, Linliang, 2024, The Global Imperative: Chinese Cross-Border E-Commerce and its Political-Economic Implications in a Deglobalising World, ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW

33.Qian, Linliang; Lu, Peng; Wen, Meizhen, 2024, Refashioning the world's capital of small commodities: Yiwu's internationalization and digitalization, CITIES

34.Shang, Junchen; Liu, Zhihui; Liu, Chang Hong, 2024, Voice attractiveness and decision making in third-party punishment, PSYCH JOURNAL

35.Shang, Junchen; Zhang, Yizhuo, 2024, Influence of male's facial attractiveness, vocal attractiveness and social interest on female's decisions of fairness, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS

36.Wang, Bin; Lu, Jiehua, 2024, Life Chances, Subjective Perceptions, and Healthy Lifestyles in Older Adults: Longitudinal Evidence From China, JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES

37.Wang, Fuyi, 2024, A Comparison of Human Life in Christian and Chinese Buddhist Bioethics, RELIGIONS

38.Xiong, Zhiheng; Li, Guomin; Chen, Jiejia; Peng, Li, 2024, The Impact of Executive Dysfunction on Anxiety in Hearing-Impaired College Students: Smartphone Addiction as a Mediator and Academic Procrastination as a Moderator, PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT

39.Xiong, Zhiheng; Liu, Chunying; Song, Meila; Ma, Xiangzhen, 2024, The Relationship between Maladaptive Perfectionism and Anxiety in First-Year Undergraduate Students: A Moderated Mediation Model, BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES

40.Yan, Guoqiang; Cifuentes-Faura, Javier; Liu, Xiaoqian, 2024, How digital inclusive finance affects the health of the migrant population -evidence from China migrants dynamic survey, APPLIED ECONOMICS

41.Yin, Margaret Xi Can; Chan, Amy Kung Wai-ying; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wan, 2024, Empowering high-school students from low-income families in career decision self-efficacy: a quasi-experimental study, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY

42.Yu, Lingling; Chen, Chuqian, 2024, Symptom patterns of comorbid depression and anxiety among older adults in China and their predictors, PSYCH JOURNAL

43.Zhai, Ting, 2024, Druggable genome-wide Mendelian randomization for identifying the role of integrated stress response in therapeutic targets of bipolar disorder, JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS

44.Zhang, Meng Xuan; Kam, Chester Chun Seng; Wu, Anise M. S., 2024, The reciprocity between psychological need frustration and adolescent problematic smartphone use, JOURNAL OF APPLIED DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY

45.Zhao, Zhihui; Ma, Xiangzhen, 2024, Ternary Moral Empathy Model from the Perspective of Intersubjective Phenomenology, BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES

46.Zhou, Peng, 2024, Exploring the Significance of Discerning the Zong (Bian Zong) in the Sectarianization of Buddhism, RELIGIONS