




2004.9-2008.6 山东大学管理学院旅游管理专业,获学士学位

2009.9-2012.6 山东大学管理学院旅游管理专业,获硕士学位

2012.8-2015.12 美国南卡罗莱纳大学旅游管理专业,获博士学位











Qiulin Lu, Assistant Professor, PhD, CHE

Email: qiulinlu@seu.edu.cn

Department   of Tourism Studies

School   of Humanities

Southeast   University                                                              


No. 2 Sipailou

Nanjing, Jiangsu,   China 210096



Ph.D. in Hospitality Management, University of South Carolina, USA    2012-2015

M.A. in Tourism Management, Shandong University, China            2009-2012

B.A. in Tourism Management, Shandong University, China            2004-2008  



Journal Articles

[1] Lu, Q., Mihalik, B. J., Heere, B., Meng, F., & Fairchild, A. (2019). Media effect on resident attitudes toward an Olympic bid. Tourism Management Perspectives, 19:66-75. Doi: 10.1016/j.tmp.2018.10.009. (SSCI)


Conference Papers

[1] Qiulin Lu, Brian Mihalik, and Marianne Bickle. The Exploratory Study of Golfers in China. 2014 International Conference of Sports, Leisure and Hospitality Management, May. 2014, Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University.

[2] H. Atahan Atadil, Diego Bufquin, Qiulin Lu, Mingming Jiang, & Fang Meng. Analysis of the Impacts of Events and Festivals on Residents’ Perceived Quality of Life. Southeastern TTRA, Mar. 2014, KY: Lexington.

[3] Qiulin Lu, Brian Mihalik, and Marianne Bickle. Cooperative Knowledge Management: A Case Study on Golf Tourism Destination. Euro-CHRIE 2013, Oct. 2013, Germany: Freiburg.


Book Chapters

[1] Xu, F., Lu, Q., Qi, R., & Li, J. (2014). Urban brand systems: An example from the Bohai Sea Economic Zone. Branding Chinese Mega-Cities: Policies, Practices and Positioning, Editor: Per Olof Berg & Emma Björner, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

[2] Lu, Q. (2010). Different Types of Rural Ecotourism Development (Chapter 7, pp.  144-162). Rural Ecotourism Development, Editor: Wang Degang, Jinan: Shandong University Press. (in Chinese)



Management: Theories and Methods—Instructor, Southeast University, 2017-Current

World Tourism Geography—Instructor, Southeast University, 2017-Current

Statistics in Tourism Management—Instructor, Southeast University, 2016-Current

International Tourism Management Seminar—Instructor, Southeast University, 2016-Current


Travel and Destination Management—Instructor, University of South Carolina, Spring/Fall 2014

Travel and Destination ManagementTeaching Assistant, University of South Carolina, Summer 2013/2014

Introductory Mandarin—Instructor, Institute of Technology Ayothaya, Thailand, 2008-2009