




犯罪预防 计算社会学 时空分析 神经网络模型应用  


2016.8-2020.7 香港大学 社会工作和社会管理博士

2011.8-2013.1 美国乔治华盛顿大学 刑事现场勘查学硕士

2002.9-2007.6 华中科技大学同济医学院 法医学学士


1.Li, F., Liu, S., Lu, X., Ou, Y., & Yip, P. S. F.* (2018). Application of the Injury Scales in Homicides. Forensic Science International, 292, 83-89.  

2.Li, F.*, & Lu, X. (2019). Infant deaths in Pudong, Shanghai, China: A Retrospective Study of the Police Data and Comparison with the Centre for Disease Control Data. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 62, 7-13.  

3.Li, F., Lu, X., Ou, Y., & Yip, P. S.* (2019). The influence of undetermined deaths on suicides in Shanghai, China. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 54(1), 111-119. Li, F., Lu, X., & Yip, P. S.* (2019). A Study of the Characteristics of Suicide Notes in China. Crisis, https://doi.org/10.1027/0227-5910/a000601.  

5.Li, F., Zeng, J., Huang, J., Zhang, J., . . . Yip, P. S.* (2019). Work-related and non-work-related accident fatal falls in Shanghai and Wuhan, China. Safety Science, 117, 43-48.  

6.Li, F, Chan HC,* Liu S, et al. (2015). Carbon monoxide poisoning as a cause of death in Wuhan, China: A retrospective six-year epidemiological study (2009–2014). Forensic Science International, 253:112-118.

7.Li, F, Jia H, Cai ZY, . . . Yip, P.* (2020). Putting the blame on others in the suicide notes from Shanghai and Wuhan, China. Crisis  

8.Li, F,* Liu, J, Yip, P., . . . Liu, S (2020). Mortalities of Methamphetamine, Opioid, and Ketamine Abusers in Shanghai and Wuhan, China. Forensic Science International

9.Li, F., Yip P. S.* (2020). How to make adjustments of underreporting of suicide by place, gender, and age in China? Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.  

10.Li, F.,* Ye W, Liu J… Yip P. S. (2020). Acute alcohol use in suicides in Shanghai, China (2004-2017). Asian Journal of Psychiatry.  

11.Li, F.,* Lu, X., & Yip, P. S. (2020). Comparing Accidental Drownings Between Local Permanent Residents and Internal Migrants in Pudong, Shanghai, China (2004–2017). Journal of International Migration and Integration.   

12.Li, F., Jia, H., Liu, J., Liu, S., Lu, X., Yip, P.S.* (2021). Self-stigma and its relationship with rates of depression diagnosis: A study on suicide notes in Shanghai and Wuhan, China. Crisis.  

13.Li, F.,* Chen, C., Liu, J., Jia, H., Liu, S., & Lu, X. (2022). Funeral arrangements requested by suicide decedents in Shanghai and Wuhan, China. Death studies, 1-6.  

14.Li, F.,* (2023). A retrospective study of traffic offenses associated with driving under the influence of drugs in China. Traffic Injury Prevention.

15.Li, F.,* Y. C. Hsu, Y. Xiao, P. S. F. Yip,* F. Yang. (2024). Road traffic deaths caused by at-fault drivers and drinking-driving in China: A spatiotemporal analysis of the 2017–2020 period. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology.

16. 李峰, 贾海鹏, 曾建勇, 谭力, 胡松廷, 肖定科, ... & 陆雪松. (2016). 自杀方式与性别和年龄关系 548 例分析. 中国法医学杂志, (5), 482-484.

17. 李峰, & 唐骏. (2010). 肌肉注射毒品他杀1例. 法医学杂志, 26(001), 14-14.